IoT Network

Collection of interconnected devices that communicate with other devices without the need for human involvement.

The Need for IoT Network

An IoT network consists of web-enabled smart devices that use embedded systems, such as processors, sensors and communication hardware, to collect, send and act on data they acquire from their environments. IoT devices share the sensor data they collect by connecting to an IoT gateway where data is analyzed. Sometimes, these devices communicate with other related devices and act on the information they get from one another. The devices do most of the work without human intervention, although people can interact with the devices — for instance, to set them up, give them instructions or access the data.

IoT can provide your business with a real-time look into how the systems really work, deliver insights into everything from the performance of machines to supply chain and logistics operations. IoT enables automation of processes and reduces labor costs. It also cuts down on waste and improves service delivery, making it less expensive to manufacture and deliver goods, as well as offering transparency into customer transactions.

Benefits of IoT Network

New business opportunities

IoT Network provides you the ability to collect data from the system and use advanced analytics to uncover business insights and opportunities, and reduce operational costs. You can combine IoT data you are collecting with historical data to proactively identify areas of new work.

Predict needs

A key opportunity is the ability to predict needs before they arise and act with precision based on insights from the IoT network. Collected data can be used to build historical trends that predict and put you in front of issues before they occur.

Understand consumer behavior

With IoT, you will be able to collect, monitor and analyze data from video surveillance, social media, mobile and internet usage. This data allows you to predict preferences and trends so that you can alter product designs and offer personalized value-added services for better engagement. With access to in-depth customer profiles, your organization will be able to retain their target consumers and foster brand loyalty.

Improve productivity and enhance efficiency

Maximising productivity and efficiency is a high priority for any business to ensure profitability. IoT collects your employee data to calculate their most productive hours and schedules important tasks and meetings accordingly. IoT devices can also improve facility management, by informing your employees about impending technical disruptions, enabling remote troubleshooting and repair of workstations and even automating routine functions such as setting thermostats and coffee makers on timers.

Smart offices

With IoT, you can convert your office into a smart office by interconnecting local appliances such as lighting and air-conditioning devices. The smart locations you choose will be able to automatically regulate temperature and lighting levels to create personalized ambience for room occupants.

IoT helps in Machine Learning

If your organization employs Machine Learning, you can maximize the use of all the information gathered through the Internet of Things. This data can be used as an input for artificially intelligent machines to learn from past experiences and predict future incidents before they occur.

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Why Syndrome Newedge for IoT Network?


Understand your requirements

Our experts at Syndrome Newedge aim to build an IoT network that will have a major positive impact on your business. In the effort, we go the extra mile to understand the requirements from your management as well as your employees. We ensure they are on the same page and avoid any unrealistic expectations.


System design and development

Once the scope of the network is defined, we help you optimize the solution further based on our previous experiences. We provide you our best network architecture and engineers at the time of design and implementation.


Product delivery and implementation

After the design of the IoT system, the next step includes installing applications at users’ workstations and placing hardware on site. Of the many options available, we prefer to use devices that have cybersecurity certificates and pay more attention to information security.


Security audits and risk assessments

The security team at Syndrome Newedge conducts regular security audits and acts up on up-to-date threat intelligence. They look out for any obsolete or vulnerable software, and update software and applications, and security solutions on all devices and parts of the IoT network. This is important in IoT systems, as well as the overall IT infrastructure.

Related Services

Make your IT operations more efficient, your network more secure, and your user experience more consistent across wired and wireless infrastructure.

Accelerate business innovation by allowing your employees, clients and partners to securely and seamlessly connect anytime, anywhere, and on any device.

Provide your staff with equal access to all business communications from data to voice and video to wireless access.